Neighbourhood Plan


3 December 2021 UPDATE - Telford and Wrekin Council's Cabinet meeting on 2 December made, i.e. approved, the Tibberton and Cherrington Neighbourhood Development Plan which now forms part of the overall Telford and Wrekin Council Development Plan. 


The Made Plan, Notice of Making the Plan and the Made Decision Statement can be accessed via this Telford and Wrekin Council's website link

The Made Plan can also be accessed directly here Tibberton and Cherrington Neighbourhood Plan Made Version 


12 November 2021 UPDATE - Telford and Wrekin Council has confirmed the 11 November 2021 referendum vote decision as being (of those who voted): 94% in favour of the question asked, 6% against. This means the referendum approved the neighbourhood development plan. 


9 October 2021 UPDATE - Neighbourhood Plan Referendum - 11 November 2021, 7am-10pm, Tibberton Village Hall - On 23 September 2021, Telford & Wrekin Council's Cabinet agreed to proceed to referendum on the draft Tibberton & Cherrington Neighbourhood Development Plan. As required by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations a Decision Statement has been published. 

A referendum relating to the Tibberton & Cherrington Neighbourhood Development Plan will be held on 11 November 2021. The question that will be asked in the referendum is: "Do you want the Borough of Telford & Wrekin to use the neighbourhood development plan for Tibberton & Cherrington to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

The Referendum version of the Tibberton & Cherrington Neighbourhood Development Plan and all supporting documents are available for viewing at Telford & Wrekin Council's website, where you can find further details, including the locations where printed copies of the documents can be viewed, most locally at The Sutherland Arms in Tibberton during its usual opening hours of 12noon to 11pm daily.

Tibberton Village Hall is being used as the Polling Station from 7am to 10pm on 11 November 2021.  

We will update this page as we get more information, and recommend you keep a watch on Telford & Wrekin Council's website for more news about the referendum.


14 September 2021 UPDATE - Neighbourhood Plan Referendum - A Parish referendum will be held on 11 November 2021 to ask if residents want the Borough Council to use the Tibberton and Cherrington Neighbourhood Plan to help it decide planning applications in our area. If the Referendum votes ‘yes', then our Neighbourhood Plan should be “made” (published) in December. It is the outcome of three year's work to give our Parish more say over how development happens within its boundaries. Voting is to take place in Tibberton Village Hall on 11 November, times TBC. The Parish Council encourages all residents to vote and support the Plan. Full details of the Referendum and how you can vote will be published here soon. Please note that the dates might change due to the Covid pandemic. Once the dates are confirmed the diagram above and timetable link below will be updated.

31 July 2021 UPDATE - The Independent Examiner completed their review of the Plan in July. His amendments are included in the Referendum Version of the Plan below with the Examiner's final report and a higher resolution parish Boundary Map, which he recommended is added to this website. An updated timetable is also provided, illustrated in the diagram at the top of this page, with the probable dates the Parish Council has been told of for the completion of the remaining stages of this process.

The Referendum Version of the Plan is the version approved by the Examiner on which all eligible parishioners will vote in the Referendum.





Regulation15 + Regulation16

22 March 2021 UPDATE - With Regulation 16 Consultation closed, we are still waiting for Telford & Wrekin Council to appoint an Independent Examiner and for their review and final revisions to be completed as the next stage of the process before the Referendum happens.

The TIMETABLE March 2021 below is updated to reflect the indicative dates provided by Telford & Wrekin Council.

The Neighbourhood Plan and related documents for Telford & Wrekin Council's wider consultation under Regulation 16, ahead of the Plan's  Independent Examination. Please use this link to Telford and Wrekin Council's website for more details:

 NOTE: The closing date for Regulation 16 consultation comments to be with T&WC was 4th January 2021.


The following documents can all be found on the above T&WC website, but here they are for ease...

Regulation 15 FINAL Versions (As approved at the Parish Council Meeting on 16 July 2020) the documents used for Regulation 16 Consultation

 Neighbourhood Plan R15; Basic Conditions Statement R15; Strategic Environmental Assessment R15; Habitat Regulation Assessment R15;

TIMETABLE March 2021; Consultation Statement R16 (These R16 versions supersede the R15 versions and recognise the Coronavirus-caused delays in this process.)


Regulation 15 Draft Versions (As submitted to the Parish Council for review and approval in May 2020)

Neighbourhood Plan (Reg15); Consultation Statement; Basic Conditions Statement; Strategic Environmental Assessment; Habitat Regulation Assessment

(Please note: The supporting Landscape Character Assessment and Report mentioned in the documents are delayed due to Coronavirus. Their delay does not impact the progress of the Plan through to final publication.) 


Parish Consultation - 18 January 2020 to 29 February 2020; with earlier consultation having happened during October to November 2017.

Settlement Boundaries Consultation - 21 February 2020 to 10 April 2020.

Neighbourhood Plan (v1.6); Settlement Boundaries; Parishioners' Questionnaire



Preliminary--07-Aug-18; 1--05-Sep-19; 2--10-Oct-193--14-Nov-19; 4--12-Dec-195--09-Jan-20; 6--20-Feb-207--12-Mar-20; 8--09-Oct-21 (to be added soon)

Meetings from Apr-20 to Oct-21 were cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic; the Steering Group liaising via email with all parties as needed.

Terms of Reference

Steering Group ToR

Telford and Wrekin Council - Tibberton and Cherrington Planning Area Designation and Representations

Planning Area Designation (Link to Telford & Wrekin Council's website); Regulation6 Representations (Edgmond PC and Natural England, via TWC)