Parish Council

PictureWhat is a Parish Council

The Parish Council is the level of local government in Telford & Wrekin nearest to the people. The old parishes were formed at a time when there was little difference, to the local people, between the Church and the State. A parish like Tibberton & Cherrington usually formed around a village or other small community and used to be centred around the Parish Church. In the late 1800s Church and State separated but the same area is now represented as a local authority by the Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Council, whilst the Church of England is represented by the Parochial Church Council.

Tibberton & Cherrington Parish Council covers an area of around 2.5sq miles. 

What services do we provide


Your local council has an overall responsibility for the well-being of your local neighbourhood. Our work falls into two main categories: representing your local community; and striving to improve quality of life in the parish. We review and consider all planning applications that fall within the Parish boundaries. We provide reasoned comment to Telford and Wrekin Borough Council to assist in their deliberations on whether to approve such applications. We are also responsible for maintaining the bus shelters, benches, water hydrants, notice boards and the defibrillator. We even own the phone box in Maslan Crescent.

How do we make decisions

Your Parish Council is made up of a number of councillors (there are eight seats) who meet regularly to make decisions on the work and direction of the council. As an elected body, we are responsible to the people we represent – the electors. Attending a council meeting is the best way to find out what we do. Virtually every meeting we have is open to residents/members of the public – and questions/comments are taken from the floor. Contact the Parish Clerk for more information – or discuss a desire to address a meeting. The date of our next public meeting can be found on the Home page of this website. It is also printed in the Parish Magazine and pinned up on the Notice Board at the top of Mill Lane, outside the cemetery and on the noticeboard in Cherrington.

Where do we get our money from

Each year a sum of money called a ‘precept’ is collected through your council tax. This money is invested back into your local neighbourhood by the Parish Council to improve facilities and services for you and your neighbours.