
Search planning application by status:


Sutherland Bungalow, Mill Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Deadline for comments:
Erection of single storey double garage. Comments by 03/10/2024.


Old Meadow, Mill Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Deadline for comments:
Erection of a replacement garage. Comments by 26/9/24


Tibberton Methodist Church, Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NY

Deadline for comments:
Deadline for comments 28/08/2024. Conversion of church to 1no. dwelling following the erection of a single storey front extension and two storey side extension Full Planning


Site of 61 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. self-build dwelling and associated works. See TWC/2024/0007.

Full granted


Wychwood, 22 Old Smithy Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PR

Erection of a part single storey and part two storey rear extension

Full granted


43 Maslan Crescent, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PB

Erection of a single storey extension following removal of existing conservatory

Full granted


Land between 13 & Cornerstone House, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Reserved matters application pursuant to TWC/2022/0743 (Outline application for 2no. detached dwellings with all matters reserved)

Reserve matters granted


Willow Tree House, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NX

Erection of a single-storey linked annexe for ancillary use, extension of canopy to front elevation and creation of a first floor door and external steps to existing garage

Full granted


Plot 2, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PD

Outline application for 1no. dwelling with all matters reserved. Previous - TWC/2021/0045.

Outline granted


Cherrington Manor, Cherrington Manor Workshop, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PN

Deadline for comments:
Erection of an agricultural livestock building, feed silos, office/plant room and vehicular access together with all associated works


Old Meadow, Mill Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Variation of condition 3 (deposited plans) TWC/2023/0575 (Erection of single storey rear extension, alterations to external openings to side elevations and 2no. proposed roof lights to rear (Part-Retrospective)) to increase height of single storey rear extension (Part-Retrospective)

Full granted


Site of 61 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. dwelling and associated access

Full refused


Land adjacent Honey House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage Full Planning

Application withdrawn


Cherrington Manor, Cherrington Manor Workshop, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PN

Application for prior notification of agricultural development for the erection of 1no. agricultural building and associated works

Full granted


Cornerways, 2 Old Smithy Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PR

Erection of a single storey rear extension Comments by 23/10/23

Full granted


Old Meadow, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

see TWC/2024/0066 Erection of single storey rear extension, alterations to external openings to side elevations and 2 no. proposed roof lights to rear (Part retrospective). deadline for comments 31/08/23

Full granted


24 Marl Grove, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PG

Erection of a single storey rear extension deadline for comments 21/09/23

Full granted


7 Wrekin View, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NP

Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension following demolition of porch and kitchen extension. Deadline for comments 21/09/23

Full granted


Covings, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NX

Deadline for comments by 15/9/2023. Change of use of dwelling house (Use Class C3) to residential institution (Use Class C2)

Application withdrawn


Poppy Field House, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NS

Erection of a detached double garage with sun room. Deadline for comments 23/8/23.

Full granted


24 Marl Grove, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PG & 64 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NS

Crown raise by up to 4m and limb reduction by up to 2m to 2no. Oak trees (T1 & T2), Crown raise by up to 5m and limb reduction by up to 2m to 7no. Oak trees and felling of 1no. Oak tree (G3)

Full granted


Site of Day House Farm, Shray Hill, Telford, Shropshire

Variation to condition 9 (deposited plans) on planning permission TWC/2021/0342 (Erection of 1no agricultural occupancy restricted dwelling) to allow changes to the proposed elevations and floor plans

Full granted


Site of Forge Meadow, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Outline application for the erection of 7no. dwellings and access with all other matters reserved. Deadline for comments 24/7/2023

Outline granted


63 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NS

Erection of a four bay detached garage with annexe above Comments by 13/7/23.

Full granted


Land 350m East of Silverdale, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire

Change of use of land from grazing land to menage

Full granted


Severn Trent Water, Rodway Pumping Station, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF6 6EH

Change of use from agricultural land to operational site including the installation of a filtration building, backwash tank, clean water and balance tanks, UV kiosk, final sample station, generator slab, safety shower, 1.8m high security fence, internal access road and landscaping, diversion of existing public right of way and installation of a surge vessel compressor kiosk within the existing water treatment works. Comments by 3/5/23

Application withdrawn


Site of Rodway Manor Farm, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire

Removal of Condition 6 (No development (including demolition or site clearance procedures) on building B2 shall commence until a European Protected Species (EPS) Mitigation Licence with respect to bats has been obtained from Natural England) of TWC/2018/0850 (Conversion of barn into 4no. dwellings and the conversion of existing garage into self-contained annex)

Full granted


1 Marl Grove, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PG

Erection of a single storey rear extension (Retrospective)

Full granted


Apple Tree House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Erection of a two-storey rear extension, Full Planning

Full granted


Land adjacent 44 Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Variation of condition 13 (the development shall be carried out in accordance with the deposited plans) on planning permission TWC/2021/0682 (Erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage) to allow for amendments to deposited plans.

Full granted


Site of Field Gate House, 66 Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Variation of condition 12 (deposited plans) of planning application TWC/2022/0169 (Erection of 1no. dwelling) to allow amendments to previously approved elevations

Full granted


Site of Honey House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. dwelling with detached garage and access (Part-Retrospective)

Full granted


The Willows, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Removal of condition 2 on TWC/2015/0717 to allow the owners of the site to remain living in the dwelling house once they have retired, removal of condition 1 to allow the workshop to be used as an outbuilding for the purposes incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house and removal of condition 7 to allow for alterations to the dwelling house ordinarily permitted under Schedule 2 Part 1 Class A-G of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015



12 Old Smithy Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PR

Removal of 2no. chimney stacks

Full granted


Cornerstone House, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PD

Erection of a two storey side and rear extension, creation of a balcony to rear elevation and installation of solar panels to rear roof

Full granted


1 Clark Croft, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8EZ

Erection of a single storey rear extension and increase in height by 0.235m to existing boundary wall

Full granted


Land between 13 & Cornerstone House, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

**see also - TWC/2024/0348** Outline application for 2no detached dwellings with all matters reserved

Outline granted

TWC/2022/0621 *(amended)*

Site of Bobaston Cottage, 2 Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire TF10 8LZ

Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1no dwelling ***Amended red line*** comments by 31/01/2024

Full granted


Conquermoor Cottage, 74 Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PF

Erection of a front porch and a single storey rear extension

Full granted


Site Of Rodway Manor Farm, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use of temporary siting of static caravan to enable the conversion of the existing barns to dwellings

Full granted


Ensbury House, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NR

Erection of 1no. garden shed and 1no. greenhouse attached to rear elevation of existing garage, erection of 2no. front gates, installation of 1no. french doors to replace existing rear ground floor window and installation of 12no. rear roof mounted photovoltaic panels to house and 12no. to garage

Full granted


3 Clark Croft, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8EZ

Erection of a single storey rear extension and relocation of existing garden wall

Full granted


Poppy Field House, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NS

Erection of a detached double garage

Full granted


2 Leverett Grove, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PX

Crown thin by 25%, remove crossing branches and duplicated branches to 1no. English Oak tree

Full granted


3 Leverett Grove, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PX

Erection of a single storey rear extension and front porch alteration

Full granted


Bobaston Cottage, 2 Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8LZ

Change of use of yard for agricultural contractors yard (Use Class B8) and erection of machinery storage buildings (retrospective)

Full granted


61 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NS

Erection of two storey side and front extension to the main dwelling and the demolition and rebuilding of the existing detached garage to include a guest annexe

Full granted


7 Clark Croft, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8EZ

Erection of a rear conservatory

Full granted


Cherrington Grange, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PN

Erection of a stable block

Full granted


The Old Brick Yard, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire

Change of use and conversion of redundant building to residential use, to include installation of drainage system, alterations to access and siting of storage containers (Part-Retrospective)

Full granted


Site of Field Gate House, 66 Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. dwelling

Full granted


Four Crosses Farm, 23 Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PJ

Erection of a single storey rear sun room extension

Application withdrawn


The Old Brick Yard, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire,

Temporary siting of 1no. caravan, 2no. storage containers and 1no. portaloo for residential purposes with associated domestic storage (Part Retrospective)

Full granted


Site of Rodway Manor Farm, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire

Conversion of existing outbuilding to annex and erection of a single storey side extension

Full granted


Cherry Tree House, Mill Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Erection of a single storey extension to the existing outbuilding

Full granted


The Old Coach House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PE

Conversion of former agricultural building into 1no. dwelling and associated works including the installation of septic tank drainage (Listed Building Application)

Full granted


The Old Coach House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PE

Conversion of former agricultural building into 1no. dwelling and associated works including the installation of septic tank drainage (Full Planning Application)

Full granted


Bobaston Cottage, 2 Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8LZ

Erection of single storey annex accommodation

Application withdrawn


Rhodon House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Erection of a two storey side and rear extension incorporating rear balcony, installation of canopy/porch to front and side elevations, erection of a two storey front and side extension to existing attached garage to facilitate the raising of roof and conversion into attached annex and the creation of an external gangway

Full granted


Bobaston Cottage, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8LZ

Application under Section 191 for a Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use for a machinery store

Full refused


7 Stackyard Lane, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PN

Repair and replace where necessary the roof structure and covering tiles. Repair chimney, structural timber framing and windows and doors. Repair and repoint brickwork. Make good or replace where necessary existing rainwater goods. Remove and lower existing conservatory. External redecoration of the building and internal rewire

Application withdrawn


24 Marl Grove, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PG

Erection of a single storey rear extension

Full granted


Gable End, Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NY

Erection of a single storey rear extension

Full granted


Land adjacent 44 Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage

Full granted


Land between Tibberton Green & Swn Y Coed, Tibberton, Telford, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. dwelling and garage with associated access

Full granted


Tibberton C Of E Primary School, Maslan Crescent, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Erection of a single storey side and rear extension for additional teaching space and storage

Full granted


Site of Tibberton Manor, Tibberton, Telford, Shropshire

Conversion of redundant cart shed to 1no. residential dwelling (Listed Building Application)

Full granted


Site of Tibberton Manor, Tibberton, Telford, Shropshire

Conversion of redundant cart shed to 1no. residential dwelling (Full Planning Application)

Full granted


Site of Day House Farm, Shray Hill, Telford, Shropshire

Erection of 1no agricultural occupancy restricted dwelling **Amended Plans**

Decision pending


The Old Brick Yard, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire,

Without planning permission, the unauthorised change of use of the land from woodland to the siting of 2no caravans for residential use and storage of 1no caravan, the siting of 2no steel storage containers and other domestic paraphernalia; and without planning permission, the importation of soil and earth for the purpose of raising ground levels and infilling existing pond, the carrying out of excavations and groundworks, the digging of footings, the creation of a vehicular access and erection of metal gates, and installation of a soakaway drainage system



Honey House, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NZ

Erection of a two storey side and rear extension and a single storey rear extension

Full granted


Plot 2, Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PD

Outline application for 1no. dwelling with all other matters reserved

Outline granted


Site of Tibberton Manor, Tibberton, Telford, Shropshire

Conversion of a redundant cart shed into a residential dwelling (Listed Building application)

Full refused


Site of Tibberton Manor, Tibberton, Telford, Shropshire

Conversion of a redundant cart shed into a residential dwelling (Full Planning application)

Full refused


Site of Yew Tree Farm, 7 Mill Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission TWC/2018/0551 for the erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage including details for appearance, landscaping, layout & scale

Reserve matters granted


6 Wrekin View, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NP

Erection of a single storey side extension

Full granted


5 Wrekin View, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NP

Application to extend current vehicular access

Full granted


41 Maslan Crescent, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PB

Erection of a single storey front, side and rear extension and partial change of use to a dog grooming business **amended elevations and floor plans**

Full granted


Hamilton House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NN

Erection of single storey side extension to house swimming pool

Full granted


75 Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PF

Erection of a two storey side and rear extension, first floor side extension and alterations to existing front entrance

Full granted


Bobaston Cottage, 2 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8LZ

Engineering operations to infill former quarry in the garden (Retrospective)

Full granted


Land adjacent 44 Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Outline application for 1no. dwelling and associated access with all other matters reserved ** amended access position**

Outline granted


Site of Honey House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage **amended plans received**

Full granted


Gable End, Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NY

Erection of a single storey front and side extension ***AMENDED DESCRIPTION***

Full granted


The Cottage, Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NY

Erection of a single storey rear extension

Full granted


Site of 64 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Reserved matters application for the erection of 1no. dwelling with access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in pursuant to outline permission TWC/2020/0010

Outline granted


Land rear of Field Gate House, 66 Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 7no dwellings with garages and creation of new access

Full granted


Bobaston Cottage, 2 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8LZ

Change of use of a former sandstone quarry to a residential garden space.

Full granted


72 Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NX

Erection of a two storey side, single storey side and rear extension

Full granted


Land between Tibberton Green & Swn Y Coed, Tibberton, Telford, Shropshire

Outline application for the erection of 1no. dwelling and garage with associated access and all other matters reserved

Outline granted


52 Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NY

Erection of a single storey side extension

Full granted


Site of Field Gate House, 66 Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Erection of 1no. dwelling

Full granted


3 Mill Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NL

Erection of a single storey double garage following demolition of the existing garage

Full granted


7 Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PN

Erection of a detached vernacular double garage (Full Planning Application) (Listen Building Application)

Application withdrawn


Site of Sutherland Farm, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Reserved matters application for the erection of 3no. dwellings with access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in pursuant to outline permission TWC/2016/0365

Reserve matters granted


Longacre, 10 Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PN

Replacement of 3no. windows, replacement of 2no. windows with 2no. french doors and replacement of 1no window with 1no. door. Rendering to the rear external walls, repair to roof following the removal of oil flu from roof. Replacement of flat roof with pitched roof to include living space and 5no. roof lights (Full Planning Application

Full granted


7 Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PN

Erection of single storey rear and side extension following the demolition of existing conservatory (Full planning application)

Application withdrawn


Site of Honey House, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Reserved matters application for the erection of 1no. detached dwelling with associated detached garages and access including details for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to outline application TWC/2015/0950 ***AMENDED RED LINE********AMENDED PLAN RECEIVED*****

Reserve matters granted


5 Wrekin View, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NP

Erection of a first storey side extension and the installation of a dropped kerb

Application withdrawn


Bobaston Cottage, 2 Plantation Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8LZ

Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an existing use as a domestic garden



Site of Field Gate House 66 Back Lane Tibberton Newport

erection of no1 dwelling

Application withdrawn


Site of 64 Plantation Road Tibberton Newport Shropshire

Outline application for 2no. dwelling with access and all other matters reserved

Outline granted


Land between Rivers Edge & Willowbank, 45 Cherrington Road, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire

Outline application for residential development of up to 9 dwellings (Self-build and custom housebuilding) and formation of new access with all other matters reserve.

Outline refused


Cherrington Manor, Cherrington Newport TF10 8PL

Application for prior approval for the proposed change of use of agricultural building to 3no. dwellings (Use Class C3)

Application withdrawn


Orchard House, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NX

Erection of single storey rear extension and alterations to existing front dormer window

Full granted


Green Farm Barns, 2 Tibberton Green, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NW

Erection of a extension to west elevation

Full granted


Site of The Dell, Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire

Outline application for the erection of 1no. dwelling and access with all other matters reserved

Full refused


17 Cherrington, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8PN

Erection of a detached single storey double garage

Full granted


Tibberton Manor, Tibberton

Conversion of a redundant cart shed into a residential dwelling

Application withdrawn


Land north of Rose Green & Swyn-Y-Coed, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 1 dwelling with detached garage and access pursuant to application TWC/2017/0965

Reserve matters granted


Field House, 26 Marl Grove

Erection of a rear conservatory

Full granted


Far Heath, Back Lane, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey extension (Sunlounge) and detached garage

Full granted


Tibberton Manor, Tibberton

Erection of 1no. agricultural building following part demolition of existing pole barn

Full granted


Tibberton Manor, Tibberton

Erection of storage building to house biomass boiler and associated equipment

Full granted


Site of The Dell, Cherrington

Outline application for the erection of 1 dwelling, detached garage and access

Application withdrawn


Willowbank, 45 Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Erection of a two storey side extension and the partial demolition of existing garage

Full granted


The Grange, Tibberton

Refurbishment of existing shower room (Listed Building Consent)

Full granted


Cherrington Grange, Cherrington

(Part-Retrospective) (Listed Building Application) for the reinstatement of brick and stone roadside boundary walls with proposed gateway in timber panel fence

Full granted


Cherrington Grange, Cherrington

(Part-Retrospective) (Full Planning Application) for the reinstatement of brick and stone roadside boundary walls with proposed gateway in timber panel fence

Full granted


Land north of Rose Green & Swyn-Y-Coed, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 3no. detached dwellings, garages and outbuildings pursuant to TWC/2016/1007 including details for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale

Reserve matters granted


Land East & South East of Sheldar/Covings/The Old Stables, Back Lane, Tibberton

Full planning application for the erection of 16 dwellings and garages with associated access

Full granted


Land between Rivers Edge & Willowbank, 45 Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Outline application for residential development of up to 9 dwellings and formation of new access with all other matters reserved

Outline refused


48 Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey rear extension

Full granted


Rhodon House, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey side and rear extension, two storey front and side extension, single storey front and side extension, conversion of existing garage including a single storey front extension and reconfiguration of roof and first floor rear extension with balcony (Part-Retrospective) (Amendment to planning application TWC/2018/0107)

Full granted


Land south and west of Tibberton Motor Repairs, Mill Lane, Tibberton

****AMMENDED PLANS****Reserved matters application for the erection of 21 houses and garages including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to outline application TWC/2014/1080

Reserve matters granted


Land north of, 61 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Erection of 2 bungalows and 2 affordable dwellings with associated garages and parking

Full granted


Site of 72 Back Lane, Tibberton

AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED***Reserved matters application for the erection of 1no. dwellings with integral garage pursuant to TWC/2016/0709

Reserve matters granted


Honey House, Back Lane, Tibberton, Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NZ

Erection of a two storey and single storey rear extension, detached double garage with storage room above

Full granted


Conquermoor Cottage, 74 Tibberton ***AMENDED PLANS**

Conversion of existing stable block to annex

Full granted


Tibberton Village Shop, Maslan Crescent, Tibberton

AMMENDED PLANS for the erection of single storey portable building for use as the Tibberton community shop

Full granted


Site of Rodway Manor Farm, Cherrington

Conversion of barn into 4 dwellings and the conversion of existing "garage" into self-contained annex

Full granted


68 Back Lane, Tibberton

Demolition of the existing conservatory and erection of an extension

Full granted


Site of Sutherland Farm, Back Lane, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 8 dwellings with access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in pursuant to outline permission TWC/2016/0365

Full granted


Four Crosses Farm, 23 Cherrington

Erection of 1 agricultural livestock buildings and installation of hard standing

Full granted


Sutherland Forge, Tibberton

Erection of a detached garage with workshop space

Full granted


Sutherland Forge, Tibberton

Demolition of existing garden wall between the house and existing outbuilding (Listed Building application

Full granted


Site of Yew Tree Farm, 7 Mill Lane, Tibberton

Outline application for the erection 1 dwelling and detached garage

Outline granted


Land north of, 61 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 22 dwellings with detached double garages with access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in pursuant to outline application TWC/2016/0446

Reserve matters granted


Site of 61 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Erection of 1 dwelling with double garage and associated access

Full granted


The Bungalow, 17A Cherrington

Application under Section 191 for a Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use as a dwellling house

Full granted


Land South of Field Gate House, 66 Back Lane, Tibberton

Erection of 6 dwellings with associated detached garages

Full granted


Land corner of, Back Lane/Plantation Road, Tibberton

Erection of 2 dwellings with associated garage and access

Full granted


Barn adjacent The Old Coach House, Tibberton


Conversion of former agricultural buildings to 1 dwelling and associated works

Full granted


Holly House, Mill Lane, Tibberton

Installation of 2 dormer windows and 2 roof lights

Full granted


Site of Field Gate House, 66 Back Lane, Tibberton

Erection of 1 dwelling with associated access

Full refused


Cherrington Manor, Cherrington

Change of use from agricultural to mixed us agricultural and wood chip processing and storage. (Retrospective)

Full granted


Site of 72 Back Lane, Tibberton

***AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED***Reserved matters application for the erection of 1no. detached dwelling with detached double garage, including details for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to outline application TWC/2016/0709

Application withdrawn


The Cottage, Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Erection of an external staircase to existing garage, Installation of second floor entrance and the installation of 1 obscured glass window

Full granted


Site of Honey House, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 1 detached dwelling with associated detached garages and access including details for layout, scale, appearance and landscaping pursuant to outline application TWC/2015/0950

Reserve matters granted


Land adjacent 12 Tibberton

Erection of 2 detached dwellings with detached garages and creation of new access

Full granted


14 Cherrington

Erection of a two storey side extension

Full granted


Rhodon House, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey side and rear extension, two storey front and side extension, single storey front and side extension, conversion of existing garage including a single storey front extension and reconfiguration of roof and first floor rear extension with balcony

Full granted


1 East View, Back Lane, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey side and rear extension and first floor side extension

Full granted


Willow Grange, 5 Anvil Close, Tibberton

Erection of 2 side and rear extensions and a side extension

Full granted


Land adjoining 19 Tibberton

Full planning application for the erection of 1 house

Full granted


Land north of Rose Green & Swyn-Y-Coed, Tibberton

Erection of 1 dwelling with detached garage and access

Outline granted


Gable End, Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey side extension and a detached rear outbuilding

Full granted


Plot 2, Plantation Road, Tibberton

Outline planning application for the erection of 1 dwelling.

Outline granted


Land between Rose Green & Swn Y Coed, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 1 dwelling including details for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to outline application TWC/2015/0547

Reserve matters granted


Beech House, 20 Old Smithy Road, Tibberton

Erection of single storey front extension and canopy

Full granted


Gable End, Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey side extension and a detached double garage at the front.

Full refused


Land South East of Grangefields, Hay Street, Tibberton

Erection of 1 dwelling with detached garage and associated access.

Outline refused


Land between Rose Green & Swn Y Coed, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 1no. dwelling including details for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale pursuant to outline application TWC/2015/0547

Reserve matters granted


Site of 64 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Outline application for the erection of 3 dwelling with all matters reserved

Outline granted


Land adjacent 44 Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 1 dwelling and detached double garage, including details for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale in pursuant to outline application TWC/2015/0580

Reserve matters granted


63 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Erection of a two storey side, rear and front extension and erection of a detached triple garage with office space above

Full granted


Land adjacent The Hollies, 46 Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Outline application to include access and associated infrastructure for residential development for 10 dwellings and all other matters reserved

Full refused


Site of 62 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 1no. dwelling with detached garage including details for appearance, landscaping, layout, scale, means of enclosure, levels of the site and drainage pursuant to outline application TWC/2016/0659

Reserve matters granted


Land corner of Back Lane/Plantation Road, Tibberton

Variation of condition 16 of planning permission TWC/2014/0230 to allow implementation of European Protected Species Licence

Full granted


Land adjacent 12 Tibberton

Erection of 2 no. detached dwellings with associated garages and access

Full granted


Land adjoining 19 Tibberton

Outline application for the erection of 1 dwelling and detached garage and all other matters reserved

Outline granted


54 Tibberton

Erection of two storey side and ground floor rear extension

Full granted


Forge Meadow, Tibberton

Creation of a new vehicular access

Full granted


43 Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey rear extension

Full granted


Sutherland Farm, Back Lane, Tibberton

Application for the removal of condition 3 of planning permission 72/70/2927 to remove the agricultural occupancy condition

Full granted


12 Tibberton

Erection of 2 dwellings with associated garages and access on land adjacent

Full granted


7 Cherrington Manor Court, Cherrington

Erection of a summerhouse, 1.7m high fence, gate and sleepers

Full granted


54 Tibberton

Erection of a single storey front, side and rear extension

Full refused


Land at Back Lane/Plantation Road, Tibberton

Reserved matters application for the erection of 25no. dwellings to include appearance, landscaping, layout and scale

Full granted


South East of Grangefields, Hay Street, Tibberton

Erection of 1 dwelling, detached garage with associated access

Full refused


Swallowcote, Church View, Tibberton

Erection of a single storey rear extension

Full granted


Cherrington Grange, Cherrington

Replacement and enlargement of a number of windows and installation of 2 roof lights (and Full Planning Application)

Full granted


Cherrington Grange, Cherrington

Replacement and enlargement of a number of windows and installation of 2 roof lights (and Listed Building Application)

Full granted


The Hollies, 46 Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Erection of 30 dwellings with associated infrastructure and access

Application withdrawn


1 Tea Kettle Row, Plantation Road, Tibberton

Outline application for 1 dwelling with access.

Outline granted


62 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Outline application for the erection of 3 dwellings on the site of 62 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Outline refused


Land adjacent 12 Tibberton

Erection of 2 detached dwellings with associated garages and access

Full granted


1 East View, Back Lane

Erection of single storey flat roof rear extension and first floor side extension

Full granted


Land adjacent Grangefields, Hay Street, Tibberton.

1 detached dwelling with integral garage

Reserve matters granted


Tibberton Grange Farm

Erection of an agricultural shed on Tibberton Grange Farm

Full granted


Sutherland Farm, Back Lane

8 dwellings on site of Sutherland Farm, Back Lane

Outline granted


54 Tibberton

Erection of a single storey side and rear extension at 54 Tibberton

Application withdrawn


Land north of 61 Plantation Road

Outline application for residential Development and creation of a car park for Tibberton Community Primary School including access on Land north of 61 Plantation Road

Outline granted


Land between Rose Green & Swn Y Coed, Tibberton

Reserved Matters application for the erection of 1 dwelling with associated access and landscaping pursuant to outline TWC/2015/0547, Land between Rose Green & Swn Y Coed, Tibberton

Reserve matters granted


Stag House, Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Full granted


Flat 1, 2 & 3, Stag House, Cherrington Road, Tibberton

Conversion of 3 apartments into 1 dwelling with erection of single storey extension to Flat 1, 2 & 3, Stag House, Cherrington Road, Tibberton.

Full granted


1 Tea Kettle Row, Plantation Road, Tibberton

The erection of 1 dwelling on the site of 1 Tea Kettle Row, Plantation Road, Tibberton

Reserve matters granted


62 Plantation Road, Tibberton

1 dwelling and garage with access on the site of 62 Plantation Road, Tibberton

Outline granted


72 Back Lane, Tibberton

Outline application for the erection of 1 dwelling with all matters reserved Site of 72 Back Lane, Tibberton

Outline granted


Grangefields, Hay Street, Tibberton.

Reserved matters application for the erection of 2 detached dwellings with associated garages and access on land adjacent Grangefields, Hay Street, Tibberton.

Reserve matters granted


The Old Stables, Back Lane, Tibberton.

Outline application for residential development of up to 14 dwellings, associated infrastructure and access, with all other matters reserved Land East & South East of Shelldar Bungalow/Covings/The Old Stables, Back Lane, Tibberton.

Outline granted


1 Tea Kettle Row, Plantation Road, Tibberton.

Reserved matters application (pursuant to outline application TWC/2016/0012) on the site of 1 Tea Kettle Row, Plantation Road, Tibberton.

Reserve matters granted


Land north of Rose Green & Swyn-Y-Coed, Tibberton.

Outline application for the erection of 3no. detached dwellings, garages and outbuildings on Land north of Rose Green & Swyn-Y-Coed, Tibberton

Outline granted